Charlie's Gojita DBZ/GT Page | |||||||||||||||||
Kamehameha! |
Hey, I'm here to tell you about the dragonball, DBZ, and DBGT Series. Now about the very beginning, there was a young saiy-jin warrior named Gokou or Kakorott in Saiy-jin language (Tested as 3rd class)was sent to take over Earth. When he landed a older man named Gohan found him. Gokou was vicious but, one day Gokou fell in a ravine and Gohan healed him and from then on Gokou was very very gentle. But, the unfortunate happened. He saw a FULL MOON!!!! If you don't understand why that is bad it is because all saiy-jin have tails and the tails make them transform into a giant were-monkey when they look at the full moon. Gokou unknowingly smashed Gohan, luckily the moon went down quickly and Gokou went back to his normal self. The Start of Dragonball. Gokou was now out on his own, one day a car driven by a green-haired engineer named Bulma hit him. Gokou not really hurt picked up the car and hurtled it down the countryside. He thought Bulma was a monster. When Bulma proved she wasn't a monster she and Gokou went on a search for the Dragonballs. The Start of Dragonball Z. Gokou is now a full grown adult and there is also more fighting in this sequel. Gokou married a women named Chi-Chi, and has a kid named Gohan (He named his kid after his Step-Grandfather.) In the beginning him and Piccolo fight it out but at the Arrival of Raditz they team up. Then Piccolo becomes fully good after the "Vejita Saga". The Z team has many adventures. Dragonball Gt is a great series where the power ratings are EXTREMELY high. Gokou and Vejita go up to ssj4 and everyone has great powers and more characters come in this is a great show. | ||||||||||||||||
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Here's some reasons that like Gojita the most out of ANY!! Dragonball Z or GT characters He is a fuse between the two greatest fighters ever. (Gokou and Vejita.) He has an ego the size of Cleveland. His arsenal of moves is awesome. He is an awesome SSJ4 If you can find anyone better than Gojita e-mail me. Check and answer this poll! | My favorite character Gojita!! | ||||||||||||||||
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Character Bio's+Power Ratings |
Sai-jins Gokou A 3rd Class saiy-jin at first, Gokou was not powerful at all. But his spirits are so high he has been able to reach the power of a "Super Elite!" as Vejita is. He has a son named Gohan and married a lady named Chi Chi who has mystical powers (She can take the strongest man and tell him what to do. "Inside Joke") He is looked upon by many as the world saivor (Besides Mr. Satan) and is part of my favorite character Power Ratings Raditz Saga Weighted Clothes-331 W/O weighted clothes-410 Gokou+Kamehameha-1000 Vejita Saga Arriving to Earth-5000 Gokou+Power Up-9000 Gokou after some fighting-15,000 Gokou+Kaioken-12,000 Gokou+Kaiokenx2-24,000 Gokou+Kaiokenx3-36,000 Gokou+Kaiokenx3+Kamehameha-45,000 Gokou+Kamehameha+Kaiokenx4-60,000 Freiza Saga Arriving at Namek-200,000 Hiding Power-1,000 After Ginuu fight-880,000 SSJ Gokou-1,153,000 Android Saga SSJ Gokou-3,200,000 Gohan-Also a mighty sai-jin has TRUE mystical powers and ability also uses Kamehameha. Being the son of Gokou Chi Chi encourages him to be a scholar. Many say he does not like to fight but I feel he has somewhat of a secret enjoyment of it. Raditz Saga Angry-None Angry:710-1340 Vejita Saga Start-2000 After eating Senzu Bean-2,600 Freiza Saga Start-4000 Guru Power Up-16,000 After Ginuu Fight Power Up-41,000 Android Saga Start-45,000 Trunks-There are two kinds of Trunks. Chibi Trunks and Future Trunks. Future Trunks gives Gokou the medicine for his heart problem and helps destroy the androids. Chibi Trunks is the younger Trunks. Trunks is the son of Vejita and Bulma. He is best friends with Goten amd has a very large power. Android Saga SSJ Trunks-2,700,000 Cell Saga SSJ Trunks-4,500,000 After Spirit of Time Training-17,000,000 Vejita-The tests were in when Vejita was born. He was to be if not the most powerful one of the 3 most powerful saiy-jins. Being bad in DBZ after the Ginuu Force and Freiza fights he started to become working better and better with the Z team. He has a very brutal fighting ability and won't give up until he's killed or satisfied. Vejita Saga Start:18,000-20,000 Freiza Saga Start-24,000 After Zarbon Fight-140,000 After Ginuu Fight-210,000 After Freiza Fight-900,000 Android Saga Start-940,000 Goten-Gokou's second son. He was first introduced at the age 6 or 7 he reached super saiy-jin at avery young age. But unfortunately for him he couldn't reach higher. Trunks best friend. Sorry, dont have any power ratings Humans Kuririn-He is a small former monk of earth he is now a Z fighter who also uses Kamehameha. At times he'll fight well. But, sometimes he acts cowardly. Raditz Saga Start-240 Vejita Saga Start-300 After 1 year of training-1,300 Freiza Saga Start-4,000 After Guru Power Up-12,000 Ginuu fight power up-30,000 Android Saga Start-38,000 Namekin-jin Piccolo You could call him a super Namek because his power is great. He has a secret feeling for Gohan after his training helping and saving Gohan alot at first he trie to take over the earth but since Vejita and Nappa came he became part of the Z team and has been ever since. Raditz Saga With Weighted Clothes-322 W/O weighted clothes-410 Special Beam Cannon-1330 Vejita Saga Start-800 After Training himself-1600 After some powering up-3400 Freiza Saga After King Kai Training-380,000 Merged with Nail-800,000 Android Saga Start-1,000,000 This is continued on my next page. Go to fave links and click on Gojita's Page | ||||||||||||||||
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